New Rules for Residential Real Estate Contracts in PA Executed Before March 18th

Written by: Natalie Klyashtorny

This week, the Pennsylvania Secretary of State issued a guidance letter for appraisers, notaries, title companies and home inspectors with regards to agreements of sale for residential properties entered into prior to March 18, 2020. 

The aforementioned in-person activities are required to be arranged by appointment and limited to no more than two (2) people on-site at the same time.  Exercising of social distancing during these activities is required and the wearing of protective equipment such as gloves, masks and shoe covers is “strongly encouraged”. 

No construction activities may take place at any such site, other than limited activities necessary to stabilize the site, temporarily prevent weather damage or make emergency repairs. 

For those properties that have received a final certificate of occupancy, work may continue to the extent necessary to complete delivery to the purchaser.  

For all other residential construction projects, limited activities may continue only to the extent necessary to stabilize the site, temporarily prevent weather damage or make emergency repairs.

For residential real estate contracts executed after March 6th, the aforementioned in-person activities are prohibited until Governor Tom Wolf lifts the Emergency Disaster Declaration, with the caveat that appraisals that do not require physical entry onto a property will still be permitted for any real estate transaction. 

If you have a question about this new guidance from the Pennsylvania Department of State, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] and an attorney at Nochumson P.C. will immediately reach out to you to schedule a free consultation.