Our experience and knowledge of the intricate rules and regulations in the zoning world allow us to better maneuver you through the labyrinth of governmental agencies and community organizations.
When it comes to land use and zoning, we focus our efforts on representing clients in Philadelphia, the Philadelphia suburbs, and Southern New Jersey, unique environments that each present their own distinct challenges. Knowing the law is only one part of the equation in obtaining zoning permits and related licenses. Successfully obtaining zoning variances also requires the ability to relate to the diverse set of interests of the people governing, residing, and doing business in a particular area. This is where we come in. Due to the extraordinary number of projects we handle, we truly understand what it takes to make your projects come to fruition.
For projects allowed “by right,” you may reach a standstill, but we will know the person whom you should speak to at the governmental agency, including the Department of Licenses and Inspections, or we know someone who knows someone who does. If your project is not allowed by right under the Zoning Code, this is where we truly differentiate ourselves. Because we regularly file variance and special exception applications to the Zoning Board, we know what it takes to obtain special governmental relief under almost any circumstance.
Based upon our own personal experience and knowledge of the previously approved projects we have handled, we anticipate what questions and concerns the community and the Zoning Board may have with regards to your project and we are well prepared to address them accordingly.
We are also at the forefront in taking advantage of the open-source information which is available for public consumption in Philadelphia. In doing so, we are able to utilize this information to draw helpful conclusions which we can leverage for you. Try our interactive Land Use & Zoning Tool that provides a quick analysis of your project in Philadelphia.
Projects Near You
Our experience and knowledge of the intricate rules and regulations allow us to better maneuver you through the labyrinth of governmental agencies and community organizations. Please note that this map leverages the open source data of our zoning work in the City of Philadelphia only.
Enter an address in Philadelphia to see a project we handled near you.

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