
Philadelphia Land Use & Zoning Analysis Tool

Leveraging Open Source Philadelphia Zoning Maps For Your Next Real Estate Development Project

As real estate structures in Philadelphia continue to rise, so do we. Our interactive Land Use and Zoning Analysis Tool leverages open-source Philadelphia zoning maps to draw valuable and helpful information specific to your project and development.

If you are asking yourself, “how do I find my property zoning in Philadelphia?”, our free tool can help you get the information you need. With our interactive tool, you will have access to the following information about a property:

  • Current Councilperson
  • Current Council District 
  • Property Lot Size
  • Zoning Classification 
  • ZBA Decision 
  • ZBA Decision Date 
  • Pending Zoning Bill 
  • Scope of Project

Get started by putting in your information along with the address of the property located in Philadelphia that you would like to analyze into the search box. Be sure to enter a valid email address as we will send the report directly to you.


Please be advised that the act of completing this form will not create an attorney-client relationship. The information contained on this web site is not intended as legal advice and should not be construed as such. Before making any decision or acting in any manner with regard to any land use and zoning planning, be sure to consult your legal team and get specific legal advice for your situation.

Book An Appointment

Book an appointment with one of our attorneys to discuss your project further. Our experience and knowledge of the intricate rules and regulations in Philadelphia allow us to better maneuver you through the labyrinth of governmental agencies and community organizations.

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