Whether it is fear holding you back or analysis paralysis, Portfolio Builders Summit is where you will find the clarity you need to get your strategy aligned with your goals so you can stop dreaming and take action. We are excited to sponsor this event as well as participating as one of the expert panelists.
The event is on Saturday, October 17, 2020, from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. We are giving away 10 FREE tickets to the Summit! Sign up now and receive the registration code.
Portfolio Builders Summit is for:
- Investors looking into rentals but are paralyzed by information overload
- Current rental owners looking to scale to 10+ rentals a year
- Investors trying to understand how to pivot their business during COVID
You’ll also:
- Meet investors who are building their portfolios
- Get clarity on strategy and what your next steps should be
- Plan your next step toward financial freedom with the One Year Roadmap