Land Use & Zoning Analysis
About Our Interactive Analysis Tool
The purpose of our Land Use & Zoning Analysis tool is to determine the preliminary status of a property with respect to zoning laws in Philadelphia. Leveraging the open source data that are available to the public consumption in Philadelphia, our report provides an assessment of the specific property you have entered as well as the most recent information of the closest properties within a search ring. If you are contemplating whether or not to apply for special governmental relief to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for your project, contact us today to learn how our knowledgeable and dedicated team can represent you.
Property information
- Address:
- Current Councilperson:
- Council District: None
- Zoning overlays:
- Property lot size: sq ft.
- Current Zoning Classification:
- ZBA Decision:
- ZBA Decision Date: 01-01-1970
- Pending Zoning Bill: None
- Scope of Project: None
10 closest properties
Address | Current Councilperson & District | Zoning overlays | Property lot size | Current Zoning Classification |
ZBA Decision |
ZBA Decision Date | Pending Zoning Bill | Scope of Project |
Book An Appointment
Book an appointment with one of our attorneys to discuss your project further. Our experience and knowledge of the intricate rules and regulations in Philadelphia allow us to better maneuver you through the labyrinth of governmental agencies and community organizations.
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